Fiery presentation of new models of heat-protective screens “Sogda”

September 21 this year year, a fire presentation of new models of Sogda heat-protective screens took place at the SpetsPozhTech test site.

Representatives of Shanghai Tianben Industrial & Co., Ltd. were invited to the presentation. (China), AGPS EMERCOM, Ministry of Energy of Russia, JSC GC Shield, LLC IC EFER, etc.

Invited specialists got acquainted with the production and new models of Sogda screens and barriers. They took direct part in the fire demonstration and walked through a fire corridor constructed from Sogda 3 heat shields. To extinguish the fire, Sogda 1B and Sogda 1A.01 heat shields were used.

After the demonstration, the impressions received were discussed and a useful exchange of views took place.
2023-11-01 10:41 News of LLC "SPECPOZHTECH"